7 Differences Between Machine Learning and Al

Machine Learning and AI (Artificial intelligence): two hot buzzwords presently. They are parts of computer science and are related to one another. Both technologies are employed for developing intelligent systems. Although they differ, people consider them synonyms of each other. If you do not think the same, and instead wonder what is the difference between machine learning and artificial intelligence? Here’s the answer. 

Artificial Intelligence is the technology that builds intelligent machines to simulate human thinking ability, behavior and perform tasks like humans while machine learning is an application of AI that makes the machines capable of learning data without being programmed vividly. 

Before we inform you of the main differences between AI and machine learning and a basic overview of both terms, we would like to tell you the history of both technologies. Come along with us. 

The History of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 

So where did AI and machine learning arise from? Well, it didn’t leapfrog from single-player chess games right into self-driving automobiles. 

The artificial intelligence department has a lengthy past grounded in martial science and statistics, with contributions from philosophy, psychology, math, and mental science. Artificial intelligence initially set out to give rise to computers as extra beneficial and more eligible for autonomous thinking.

Most historians sketch the birth of AI to a Dartmouth research project in 1956 that investigated situations like problem-solving and figurative techniques. In the late 1960s, the US Department of Defense grabbed interest in this category of practice and improved the emphasis on educating and training computers to mimic human thinking.

For instance, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) finalized street mapping projects in the 1970s. And DARPA generated creative personal assistants in 2003, long earlier Google, Amazon, or Microsoft launched the same models.

A much similar event happened in machine learning. Right after 1990, computer scientist Robert Schapire’s article initiated the theory of boosting algorithms, which boosted our knowledge of neural networks even more. These and other chunks of discovery over many decades authorized machine learning to eventually break through to mainstream impression in the 2000s.

These works paved the path for automation, common reasoning, problem-solving, and machine learning models that we observe in computers in this age. 

Artificial Intelligence 

Artificial intelligence is a discipline of computer science that builds a computer system which can impersonate human intelligence. The term is composed of two words, “Artificial” and “intelligence” which implies “a man-made thinking ability.” The AI models actually mimic human abilities. Thus we can interpret it as,

Artificial intelligence is a technology employing which we can build intelligent machines that can imitate human intellect.

Artificial intelligence systems do not need to be programmed, instead, they use algorithms that can function with their own intellect. It pertains to machine learning algorithms such as Reinforcement learning algorithms and deep learning neural networks. 

AI is being employed in numerous spaces such as Siri, Google, AlphaGo, AI in Chess playing, etc. Now you get the exact function of Al? The way Siri or Google functions, that’s all because of Al technology. 

A famous quote by Brian Cornell says, 

“Technology is going to disrupt the future of work, perhaps sooner than we thought.”

Benefits of Al: 

The real-world benefits of Al are as follows: 

  • In the medical field, treatment potency can be more rapidly inferred. 
  • In retail, add-on commodities can be more rapidly recommended. 
  • In finance, corruption can be avoided instead of just observed.

Based on its abilities, AI can be categorized into three types:

  • Weak AI
  • General AI 
  • Strong AI 

We are presently working with Weak AI and General AI. We’ll be working with Strong AI in the future for which it is believed that it will be more intelligent than humans. 

Stephen Hawking says, 

“The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race….It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever-increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete, and would be superseded.”

Highly Recommended Reading: Will AI replace Data Science?

Machine Learning 

Machine Learning and Al

Machine learning is about learning proficiency from the data and then applying that learning without human involvement. It actually trains the machine how to learn. It can be defined as,

Machine learning is an application or subset of artificial intelligence, which allows machines to learn from prior data or knowledge without being vividly programmed. 

Machine learning technology allows the computer system to make predictions or make some judgments using previous data without being vividly programmed. It utilizes a large quantity of structured and semi-structured data so that a machine learning prototype can generate detailed outputs or give predictions on the basis of data.

Machine learning functions on algorithms that learn on their own utilizing previous data. It functions only for particular sections. For instance, if we are assembling a machine learning model to see pictures of dogs, it will only give outcomes for dog pictures, but if we give fresh data like cat pictures then it will come to be unresponsive. So it depends on the data that you provide it. 

Machine learning is being employed in numerous areas. For instance, it is used for online recommender systems, for Google search algorithms, Email spam filter, Facebook Auto friend tagging suggestions, etc.

“Much of what we do with machine learning happens beneath the surface. Machine learning drives our algorithms for demand forecasting, product search ranking, product and deals recommendations, merchandising placements, fraud detection, translations, and much more. Though less visible, much of the impact of machine learning will be of this type — quietly but meaningfully improving core operations.” 

– Jeff Bezos.

This technology of computer science can be divided into three types:

  • Supervised learning
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Unsupervised learning

Highly Recommended Read:

Is Machine Learning a Good Career?

7 Ways Machine Learning is used in Data Science

Types of ML and AI 

Types of MLTypes of AI 
Multi-Instance LearningReactive Machines 
Self-supervised LearningLimited Memory
Inductive LearningTheory of Mind 
Deductive InferenceSelf-awareness

Top 7 Differences Between Machine Learning and Al

Machine learning and artificial intelligence have already agitated excitement in the human community. Conventionally, there are the allies of this technology and the nitpickers as well. You might be wondering what differences makes ML and Al different or maybe better from each other. After all, it may assist you in deciding which side you should choose! Here is a list of the top 7 differences between machine learning and AI. 

FeaturesArtificial Intelligence Machine Learning 
DefinitionArtificial intelligence is a technology that allows a machine or model to mimic human behavior.Machine learning is a subfield of AI which enables a machine or model to automatically learn or memorize from past data without programming the machine vividly.
ObjectiveThe objective of artificial intelligence is to give rise to a smart and competent computer system just like humans to unravel complicated issues.The objective of machine learning is to enable devices to comprehend data clearly so that they can give reasonable outcomes.
Function In artificial intelligence, we formulate intellectual systems to conduct any chore just like a human does. In machine learning, we educate machines with data to conduct a specific task and provide a logical conclusion.
Scope and Subsets Artificial intelligence has a relatively wide scope and machine learning and deep learning are two mains subsets of artificial intelligence.Machine learning has a limited scope and deep learning is the only main subset of this technology. 
FunctionArtificial Intelligence is functioning to formulate an intelligent system that can accomplish several complex tasks. With that, this technology is concerned about increasing the possibilities of success. Machine learning is concerned with creating machines or models that can accomplish only such particular chores for which they are trained or educated. 
TypesArtificial Intelligence deals with structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data. Further, it only includes learning, reasoning, and self-correction. Machine learning is only concerned with structured and semi-structured data. And, it includes learning and self-correction. 
ApplicationsThe major applications or models of Artificial Intelligence are Siri, customer support utilizing catboats, expert systems, online game playing, an intelligent humanoid robot, etc. The major applications or models of machine learning technology are Online recommender systems, Google search algorithms, Facebook auto friend tagging suggestions, etc.

The Bottom Line 

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning truly have a lot to offer. They are two fellow travelers that are going side by side. With their commitment to automating tiresome undertakings as well as giving creative intuition, firms in all sectors from banking to healthcare are harvesting the privileges. So, it’s significant to assume in mind that AI and ML are something else. They are entities that are being sold invariably, and profitably. They always concern and amaze us with their inventions. 

AI and Ml have reached industries like Customer Service, E-commerce, Finance and where not. They have carried 85% of the customer interactions without a human in 2020. And we expect them to take control of all operations like these in the near future. With that, we also expect to see human-like machines in the future that will have more intelligence than humans themselves. 

Ray Kurzweil says, 

“Artificial intelligence will reach human levels by around 2029. Follow that out further to, say, 2045, and we will have multiplied the intelligence – the human biological machine intelligence of our civilization – a billion-fold.”

How machine learning is correlated to Al? 

Machine learning is based on material that the machine learns and adapts through experience. While AI is about executing tasks smartly by machines. AI technology applies machine learning, deep learning, and other skills to perform its functions. 






Emidio Amadebai

As an IT Engineer, who is passionate about learning and sharing. I have worked and learned quite a bit from Data Engineers, Data Analysts, Business Analysts, and Key Decision Makers almost for the past 5 years. Interested in learning more about Data Science and How to leverage it for better decision-making in my business and hopefully help you do the same in yours.

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